
Horace’s discontinued tax abatement program leaves area Realtors puzzled – InForum

HORACE — Area home buyers, Realtors and builders will look to make a case for government officials in hopes of reestablishing Horace’s tax abatement program, which was not renewed after it expired on Jan. 1.

Horace’s tax abatement program, which is similar to that authorized by the North Dakota Century Code, gives buyers of new homes a two-year break on property taxes for certain new single-family residential properties and condominiums and townhouses. According to state law, the maximum exemption allowed is $150,000 of true and full valuation of improvements only and land is still taxable.

Horace Mayor Kory Peterson said


Journal Club 01-06-23 – Passive Income MD

Here’s Journal Club 01-06-23! Every week, I hold a JOURNAL CLUB. After filtering through the articles on the web, I present a few that impacted my life this week. Be safe and stay well!

  • A good rule of thumb to ensure you build a solid portfolio is to invest in a wide range of asset classes. That way, no matter how the future unfolds, the variety of your investments can still support you in achieving your financial objectives. The White Coat Investor shares a similar view and focuses on a specific investment type included in his portfolio – The

Paid Medical Surveys – Passive Income MD

A popular discussion topic in our Facebook group, Passive Income Docs, has been medical surveys. If you’ve never participated in one, medical surveys are a great way to make a little extra cash here and there while you’re in line for coffee, in between calls or cases, or whenever you have a little extra time to spare. These surveys provide important information to companies conducting research studies and you get compensated for your time and expert input.

Each company varies in how much they compensate, the length of the surveys, what specialties they focus on, and their qualification requirements, so


How to Access Your Retirement Money When Retiring Early

Many doctors dream of retiring from the workforce before the traditional retirement age of 60-70. Most of them cannot do it because they spend too much, did not save enough, and did not invest wisely. They simply do not have the resources to retire at their desired standard of living without additional savings, a few more years of compound interest in their investments, and perhaps even the additional income from Social Security.

Don’t Let the Age 59 ½ Rule Keep You from an Early Retirement

The select few who do have the resources to retire earlier than that worry about


Top 5 Financial Priorities for an Early Career Physician

An early career physician has a lot going on and doesn’t need to get everything just right, but there are a few financial priorities that should be recognized.

Editor’s Note: Physician On Fire is the guest post this week on PIMD. They are a real estate investing platform that gives investors access to multifamily, office, retail or commercial real estate deals in dozens of markets across the country.

Disclosure: Physician On Fire is a sponsor partner of our site. 



You did it! It was a long 8, 10, or 12 years to get through med school, residency, and maybe fellowship,


Benefits of Starting a Business Overseas

Benefits of Starting a Business Overseas

Benefits of Starting a Business Overseas: Find Out if it’s Right For You

So, you started a business yourself, it’s grown to some success over the past couple of years and now you are ready to branch out. Or maybe you have an idea for a new business and you’re trying to decide where to get it up and running?

The whole idea for most businesses is decided because of growth.

This growth can mean different things to different companies. But when you think about taking the next step, does that mean opening another home branch or going global?


Tips to Become a Successful Blogger

Tips to Become a Successful Blogger

Make Money Blogging: Tips to Become a Successful Blogger

There are many ways to make money blogging, but it takes a special mix of skills, drive and passion to make it happen. While some bloggers are lucky enough to be born natural entrepreneurs, most of us have to learn (and continue learning) how to blog effectively to monetize our sites.

The good news is that there are plenty of resources available to help you get started, including this very site! Today, we’re going to look at some of the best tips on how to become a successful blogger and make