FY2023 Earnings Estimate for Dream Office Real Estate Investment Trust (TSE:D) Issued By National Bank Financial

Dream Office Real Estate Investment Trust (TSE:D – Get Rating) – Equities researchers at National Bank Financial lowered their FY2023 earnings per share estimates for shares of Dream Office Real Estate Investment Trust in a research report issued on Monday, April 17th. National Bank Financial analyst M. Kornack now expects that the company will post earnings per share of $1.45 for the year, down from their previous estimate of $1.51. National Bank Financial currently has a “Outperform Under Weight” rating on the stock. National Bank Financial also issued estimates for Dream Office Real Estate Investment Trust’s FY2024 earnings at $1.57 EPS.

Separately, Desjardins reiterated a “hold” rating on shares of Dream Office Real Estate Investment Trust in a research report on Wednesday, January 11th.

Dream Office Real Estate Investment Trust Stock Performance

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Dream Office Real Estate Investment Trust (TSE:D – Get Rating) last issued its earnings results on Thursday, February 16th. The company reported C$1.57) EPS for the quarter, missing the consensus estimate of C$0.36 by C($1.93). The firm had revenue of C$49.61 million during the quarter.

Dream Office Real Estate Investment Trust Announces Dividends

The company also recently declared a monthly dividend, which will be paid on Monday, May 15th. Stockholders of record on Friday, April 28th will be given a dividend of $0.083 per share. This represents a $1.00 annualized dividend and a dividend yield of ∞. The ex-dividend date is Thursday, April 27th.

Further Reading

Earnings History and Estimates for Dream Office Real Estate Investment Trust (TSE:D)

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