Rent Out Property

KINSELLA: US Supreme Court tosses principle that holds law together

Stare decisis is the immutable legal rule that courts will stick to established precedent when making decisions.

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What if there are no more rules?

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What if there are no more laws? No more precedents, no more

Rent Out Property

Can’t Pay Rent? 7 Steps to Take

The sooner you act, the better.

Key points

  • Rental costs vary, but the median rent in the US stands at $1,978, making it hard to keep your costs under 30% of your income.
  • Read through your lease and contact your landlord ASAP if you can’t rent.
  • You may be able to get cash assistance from a local agency or loved one, and you might consider picking up a temporary side hustle to get you over the hump.

We’ve all watched prices rise over the last few years, and rent costs were definitely part of that general trend. Thankfully, the median

Rent Out Property

Jacksonville residents face higher housing costs with rent, utilities both rising

The inflation rate in the US has hovered at over 8% for months, despite efforts to fight rising costs.

Whether on their JEA bills or rental agreements, at the gas pump or in the grocery store — where food inflation has risen to 11.4%, the most since 1979 — people are feeling economic pressure.

The annual inflation rate was down from 8.5% in July to 8.3% in August, the lowest in four months, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. But many families still saw higher-than-normal costs in their monthly budgets.

Solutions to combat housing crisis: What are other

Rent Out Property

American Homes 4 Rent (NYSE:AMH) Position Lifted by First Hawaiian Bank

First Hawaiian Bank raised its stake in shares of American Homes 4 Rent (NYSE:AMH – Get Rating) by 3.7% during the second quarter, HoldingsChannel reports. The fund owned 15,945 shares of the real estate investment trust’s stock after acquiring an additional 574 shares during the quarter. First Hawaiian Bank’s holdings in American Homes 4 Rent were worth $565,000 as of its most recent SEC filing.

Other large investors have also recently added to or reduced their stakes in the company. Charter Oak Capital Management LLC acquired a new stake in shares of American Homes 4 Rent during the second quarter