We’re proud to be new patrons of LoveBrum

What is LoveBrum?

LoveBrum is a registered charity that supports hidden gem projects across Birmingham that are often volunteer-led and that deliver real change, with outcomes that can be seen, measured, enjoyed, and loved.

We support the ‘hard-to-reach’ projects; thosecausesthat do not receive the platform or funding that they probably deserve. We aim to support over 36 projects per year, and to reach out to all corners of our city to remind people how great Birmingham is.

Every penny is raised from individual memberships and fundraising stays in Birmingham and goes straight to the chosen causes. We encourage everyone to get involved and unite businesses and individuals across Birmingham.

We’re proud to be the new Patrons of Lovebrum. We caught up with our CEO Joe Billingham to discuss our new partnership….

What does the Birmingham/Midlands region mean to Prosperity?

“Birmingham is the beating heart of our business. It’s the home of our HQ, the location of many of our larger scale developments, the city we live in. The city we were born in. The future of Birmingham is bright and as developers we are proud to be part of its massive regeneration.”

“I was born and bred in Birmingham, and proud to have built my business in the region – starting out with a sandwich round in my late teens, onto a property portfolio across the UK now worth over £450million.”

What positive changes would you like to see happen?

“I’d like to see the city promote itself better and shout louder of what we have to offer. We should be developing our city quicker and smarter with less bureaucracy and more cohesive private-public sector ventures. More opportunities for younger people and clean up our canals!”

This is the start of the perfect partnership. Birmingham. Let’s Do This.

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