Real Estate News

Research Analysts Offer Predictions for Dream Office Real Estate Investment Trust’s Q1 2023 Earnings (TSE:D)

Dream Office Real Estate Investment Trust (TSE:D – Get Rating) – Research analysts at Desjardins issued their Q1 2023 earnings per share (EPS) estimates for shares of Dream Office Real Estate Investment Trust in a report issued on Wednesday, January 11th. Desjardins analyst L. Kalmar expects that the company will earn $0.37 per share for the quarter. Desjardins currently has a “Hold” rating on the stock. Desjardins also issued estimates for Dream Office Real Estate Investment Trust’s Q2 2023 earnings at $0.37 EPS, Q3 2023 earnings at $0.40 EPS, Q4 2023 earnings at $0.40 EPS and FY2024 earnings at $1.64

Real Estate News

We’re proud to be new patrons of LoveBrum

What is LoveBrum?

LoveBrum is a registered charity that supports hidden gem projects across Birmingham that are often volunteer-led and that deliver real change, with outcomes that can be seen, measured, enjoyed, and loved.

We support the ‘hard-to-reach’ projects; thosecausesthat do not receive the platform or funding that they probably deserve. We aim to support over 36 projects per year, and to reach out to all corners of our city to remind people how great Birmingham is.

Every penny is raised from individual memberships and fundraising stays in Birmingham and goes straight to the chosen causes. We encourage

Real Estate News

‘Real Housewives of New York’ Season 14 cast revealed at BravoCon: Meet the new ‘Housewives’

Surprise, surprise! There’s an all-new group of “Housewives” ready to take on the Big Apple.

The cast of “The Real Housewives of New York City” Season 14 was announced during a Sunday taping of “Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen” at BravoCon 2022. The cast includes Sai De Silva, Change Hassan, Erin Dana Lichy, Lizzy Savetsky , Jessel Taank, Jenna Lyons and Brynn Whitfield.

Production is set to begin this fall. The season will premiere sometime in 2023.

From fashion and real estate to philanthropy and social influence, the new season will follow women who have made their mark

Real Estate News

Vanguard Real Estate ETF (NYSEARCA:VNQ) Hits New 1-Year Low at $78.09

Shares of Vanguard Real Estate ETF (NYSEARCA:VNQ – Get Rating) reached a new 52-week low during trading on Friday . The company traded as low as $78.09 and last traded at $78.49, with a volume of 54268 shares. The stock had previously closed at $79.35.

Vanguard Real Estate ETF Stock Down 2.4%

The business’s fifty day moving average price is $92.24 and its 200 day moving average price is $96.51.

Institutional Trading of Vanguard Real Estate ETF

A number of institutional investors and hedge funds have recently added to or reduced their stakes in VNQ. Vectors Research Management LLC grew