
The Home Decor Trends of 2022

The Home Decor Trends predictions vary greatly from one designer to another. as I was researching for this article, I had two objectives:

  • To find the most ‘popular’ trends among all of the predictions
  • To highlight the ‘simple and affordable’ trends which anyone can implement

The Paint Colors

I love talking about Paint Colors!

You can read about the Home Staging Paint Colors in 2022 right here.

One of the biggest Home Decor Trends this year is GREEN!

Various shades of green are showing up in paints, textiles, furniture, accessories and, even, kitchen cabinets.

Most major paint manufacturers selected a


US Focuses Efforts on Restoring Bison Herds on Tribal Lands

US Focuses Efforts, on Restoring Bison Herds, on Tribal Lands. The United States Interior Department has announced that it will work to restore large bison herds on Native American lands. . ‘The Independent’ reports that the news comes as part of an effort to tap into Indigenous knowledge regarding conservation. US Interior Secretary Deb Haaland is expected to announce a new secretarial order to help tribes establish bison herds. $25 million in federal funds will be allocated to aid those efforts. ‘The Independent’ reports that the funds will go toward building new herds, transferring bison from federal to tribal lands


Russia hits power site by Kyiv, defends reserved land

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — A missile strike seriously damaged a key energy facility in Ukraine’s capital region, the country’s grid operator said Saturday as the Russian military strove to cut power in far-flung populated areas while also defending against Ukrainian counterattacks in occupied regions .

Kyiv region Gov. Oleksiy Kuleba said the strike on the unidentified facility did not kill or wound anyone. Electricity transmission company Ukrenergo said repair crews were working to restore electricity service but warned residents about further possible outages.

After a truck bomb explosion a week ago damaged the bridge that links Russia to the annexed


How to Stage a Home that Attracts Your Ideal Home Buyer

In the marketing world, there’s a saying that, “If you’re marketing to everyone, you’re marketing to no one.” This also applies to selling your home. You must know who your ideal buyer is to market it accordingly.

Today, I’m sharing types of 3 home buyers and how you can stage your home to attract the kind of buyers you want…

Ideal Buyer: A Family with Kids

How to Stage a Home that Attracts Your Ideal Home Buyer

If you are in a family-friendly neighborhood, highlighting bedrooms is a priority. You also want to create a warm and inviting family room or a play area for kids. Your family room


Why Staging is More Important in a Seller’s Market

There’s no denying that 2021 proved to be a competitive seller’s market in Ottawa and most other areas. Even though it may seem unnecessary to stage a listing now, it is actually a huge advantage to do so.

Today, I’m sharing my top 3 benefits of home staging so you can sell your home for more…

1. Staging Elevates Your Home’s Perceived Value

Every seller wants to sell at or above the asking price, mainly because the seller will probably be purchasing their next home in the same market. Thankfully, staging raises a home’s perceived value to get top dollar.


What is the biggest continent? List of largest-to-smallest continents.

The Earth formed approximately 4.6 billion years ago, according to National Geographic. If the world was captured all those years ago, the land masses would’ve been structured completely different to how they look now. Most continents were scattered chunks of land, located south of the Equator.

These chunks joined to form a single mass of land due to Earth’s inner tectonic activity. This single supercontinent was named “Pangaea” by geologists, which means “all lands” in Greek, National Geographic reports. Millions of years later, the same forces that formed Pangea started breaking the supercontinent into parts that formed today’s continents.



We’re About to Share Which Home Colors Will Sell Your Listings

Color subconsciously plays a significant role in how potential buyers feel walking into a home for the first time. It can easily make or break their view of your house. Naturally, you want the house to look warm and welcoming without being too flashy.

Here’s a round-up of the colors that will sell your listings…

1. Shades of White & Natural Sunlight

Most people like a light-colored space. Whites and creams help make a room seem brighter, especially with natural sunlight streaming through the windows. Light colors can evoke a feeling of new beginnings, freedom, and hope.

Bathrooms, bedrooms, and