Real Estate News

Instability of Banks Boosts Appeal of Property Investing in 2023

If you’ve been paying attention to the news recently, then you may have noticed several banks collapsing in the US in the past couple of weeks, which is beginning to cause alarm.

For those not in the know, on March 10th, the biggest failure of a US bank since the global financial crisis of 2008 happened in real time. Silicon Valley Bank collapsed after a bank run and failed to raise capital, which was the second-largest failure of a financial institution in US history.

Following this, a second bank, Signature Bank, has also shut down, and a third has been

Real Estate News

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust (OTCMKTS:DREUF) Stock Price Up 1%

Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust (OTCMKTS:DREUF – Get Rating)’s share price rose 1% during trading on Monday . The company traded as high as $10.48 and last traded at $10.48. Approximately 360 shares changed hands during trading, a decline of 72% from the average daily volume of 1,265 shares. The stock had previously closed at $10.38.

Wall Street Analysts Forecast Growth

DREUF has been the topic of several research reports. BMO Capital Markets began coverage on shares of Dream Industrial Real Estate Investment Trust in a report on Tuesday, February 28th. They issued an “outperform” rating on the stock.

Real Estate News

Falling Property Prices Make Property Investment More Affordable

Of course, this all sounds incredibly dramatic and appears to have come right out of the blue, but this price drop has been expected by many property experts for a long time now – due to two years of inflated house prices post-pandemic.

However, despite the price crash being anticipated, the market has become more volatile than experts predicted due to the cost of living crisis and other similar factors.

Alongside this, many experts are also forecasting a further decline in 2023. For example, Lloyds, the UK’s largest mortgage lender, expects prices to fall by 8% this year.

This may

Real Estate News

Research Analysts Offer Predictions for Dream Office Real Estate Investment Trust’s Q1 2023 Earnings (TSE:D)

Dream Office Real Estate Investment Trust (TSE:D – Get Rating) – Research analysts at Desjardins issued their Q1 2023 earnings per share (EPS) estimates for shares of Dream Office Real Estate Investment Trust in a report issued on Wednesday, January 11th. Desjardins analyst L. Kalmar expects that the company will earn $0.37 per share for the quarter. Desjardins currently has a “Hold” rating on the stock. Desjardins also issued estimates for Dream Office Real Estate Investment Trust’s Q2 2023 earnings at $0.37 EPS, Q3 2023 earnings at $0.40 EPS, Q4 2023 earnings at $0.40 EPS and FY2024 earnings at $1.64

Real Estate News

2023 Property Market Predictions: What Will Happen to UK Property?

2022 was a fantastic year in terms of capital appreciation, as house prices snowballed over the course of the year.

The average house price in the UK as of October 2022 was £296,000. When compared to the average price of December 2021, £ 275,000, you can see that this is a sizeable level of growth.

Some areas of the UK saw even higher levels of growth, such as the North-West. Thanks to property hotspots like Manchester and Liverpool, this area of ​​the UK experienced annual growth of 16.1%, significantly higher than the national average.

However, it is unlikely that this

Real Estate News

Cyber ​​attack against county posed risk to real estate industry, which has emerged intact

The North Fork real estate industry has survived relatively intact following a cyberattack on county computer systems that shut down a critical process in real estate transfers.

An in-person system for title searches was established last Monday, according to Chris Nuzzi, executive vice president and regional director at Advantage Title. The online system is still not available but the public can visit the county clerk’s office and access an internal system of records, he said.

“We have a robust market in particular out on the eastern end of Long Island,” he said. “And the ability to be able to service

Real Estate News

We’re proud to be new patrons of LoveBrum

What is LoveBrum?

LoveBrum is a registered charity that supports hidden gem projects across Birmingham that are often volunteer-led and that deliver real change, with outcomes that can be seen, measured, enjoyed, and loved.

We support the ‘hard-to-reach’ projects; thosecausesthat do not receive the platform or funding that they probably deserve. We aim to support over 36 projects per year, and to reach out to all corners of our city to remind people how great Birmingham is.

Every penny is raised from individual memberships and fundraising stays in Birmingham and goes straight to the chosen causes. We encourage

Real Estate News

Why is Birmingham a great place to invest right now?

Why is Birmingham a great place to invest right now?

Away from the glitz and glamor (and expense) of London, Birmingham has earned the title of second city. With a fascinating history and exciting future, Birmingham is on the investment radar. Investors are beginning to see the potential for growth and advancement, and the general buzz around Birmingham is getting louder.

If you’re considering adding property in Birmingham to your portfolio, here are 5 reasons you should invest in Birmingham right now.

Birmingham’s Rich Culture

Birmingham gives investors the chance to own property in a city with a rich and thriving culture. The landscape speaks to its history as an